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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Contact Centers - Specialized Work

The traditional call center—rows of customer care agents with headsets answering calls, is no longer in use now. In a consumer driven, Internet enabled world, your customers are not just calling you. They want to reach you via email, IM, text or any other media. And simply “taking” calls is not good enough to keep customers loyal, however you need to proactively reach out to build long term relationships, upsell, and resolve customer's problems before hang up the phone.


Working with Call Center or in any Contact Center, seems an easy job but its not so. Unless its one old system of the middle of last century that stills exist in many parts of the third world, which are divisions forming single cabins, with a phone and sometimes a computer: Paper and pencil in hand and a supervisor "type foreman shouting encouragement and giving the best sellers. The control systems of modern software metrics produce the work, and is the first thing is to control the efficiency of the calling agents, its being understood that through the whole base out in the assigned bound, according to the standard or average of the campaign.


Thus, if a customer service agent or telemarketers gets 150 calls average 2.5 minutes in his daily round, the probability of getting 100% efficiency on all calls go down. But this is only the first control. Others come as efficiency, effectiveness, quality of management, the time average, the warmth of the voice, the service provision, monitoring protocols and scripts, etc. The calling agent must has the skill to work on computer, typing without seeing the keyboard, have a high ability to concentrate, learn to listen properly, no fatigue watching the screen, assuming the claustrophobia of the cockpit and handle overwhelming pressure of a real contact center is actually somewhat more complicated than it seems at first sight.


A customer contact center job requires excellent communication and persuasion skills. Creative problem solving skills, high dose concentration and a strong desire to excel and experience working in fast-paced work environment are a plus. We are not talking about the switchboard of yesteryear, but with real marketing experts at a distance, i.e. Telemarketers. An entire profession. The profession of the future. Are you really ready to take on such a challenge? In short if you really want to keep connected with your potential customer then you need a contact center. You need to reach your customers using the communications channels whatever they want. You need to keep ready to inbound calls of customer at any time so that no one is left waiting. And you have to do all of this while cutting costs, improving customer services agent efficiency, and maximizing the value of every customer.

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
Performance of Outbound

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