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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Tips t Emerge Successful in Call Center Interview

Call centers are rage nowadays. They offer lots of professional and lucrative opportunities which are too hard to resist. However, the candidates have to go through a rigorous screening and personal interview.

Generally call center pre- employment tests are combinations of online test of grammar, English proficiency, basic knowledge of computer and a personal interview test to check the attitude quotient of a candidate. Generally, the first round of call center interview starts with the telephonic round with HR where candidates are checked for intonation and language proficiency. Any hint of Mother Tongue during conversation or lack of proper language skill ends up in Total Rejection only. So, here we present some tips for the applicants so that they can secure a place in this booming call center outsourcing industry. These tips come directly from the experts and training managers of call centers to help candidates to come off with flying colors.

1) Computers: Computers are no new thing for today's generation but our experts advise you to go through the keyboard shortcuts, and some general information about computer once again.

2) Words Worth: English is indeed a funny language but call centers take it very seriously. They can ask you to reply and answer common and not-so-common acronyms, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. You are also supposed to be comfortable with idiomatic expressions, colloquial language,slang and cliches as Americans use these stuff frequently in their conversation.

3) Listen: You may have never listened to the advice of your parents, but to survive call center tests, you need to develop listening ability of a dog because call center management would want you to clear the test of listening previously recorded video tapes and later, answering the questions.

4) Pronunciation: A candidate can be taught computer skills, he can develop his vocab and listening skills but pronunciation is something which cannot be compromised with. Mother Tongue Accent results in total rejection. Even a hint of it during conversation is totally unacceptable.

5) Intonation: This is again a significant and must have skill. As an agent or marketing person of call center you are supposed to talk over phone or through video conferencing. The first lines of your communication- 'Hello, How May I Help You?' can describe a lot about the mood, nature and attitude. As an agent you are supposed to be real patient, hopeful, positive, cheerful and speak with medium-scale pitch.
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Vcare Call Center

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