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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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The Bold and Beautiful impact of Call Centers on Culture
Call Centers have always been in news. Some good, some bad and some downright ugly. However, their presence have not only changed the face of marketing, daily lives but also of cultural scenes of outsourcing scene. To cover up the different time zones, call center agents have to work in graveyard shifts. And in a country, like India, where women are concerned to go out after seven pm, it was quite a challenge to convince them and their parents about working in night shifts. Eventually, it not only happened but now working in call centers has become a social fabric. The BPOs are providing security for their female agents. Women are dropped and picked by call centers by female cab drivers along with a security guard. If male agents are riding the cab and driver of the cab is male too, it is made sure that no lady would be left alone to drop in last. Working in a call center was seen as quite hectic and laborious than other jobs also. Well, who would like to sleep in day and fight the entire night snuggling to keep eyelids open? BPOs have had to assure that after some practice and nights of work they would be able to reverse their biological clock and work as normally as other people do. Call center working was also seen as something 'unqualified'. It was like 'One who is not able to secure a day-job, work as an agent and in the dead of the night!' but the call center industry prove them wrong. They hired best of the minds at best of the salaries. Soon, the educated and professional section of Indian society was attracted to work in call centers. Along with that the facilities provided by call centers such as meals, cabs and occasional incentives served the purpose too. Also, while living the American style of living, agents in call centers seem to forgotten their way of speaking English. They are turning Americans with the same lifestyle and tastes who are living offshore to provide their onshore brethren a helping hand!
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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
Performance of Outbound

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