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11 Tips on Modifying the Quality Assurance (QA) Program of Call Center

Quality assurance is one of the biggest differentiator when it comes to the performance of call centers. And a fully streamlined QA program can help you to turn into trusted service provider in the industry. Generally, the call centers do not feel the importance to evolving the QA program on continuous basis. There is where their competitors score more and receive better clientele from different industries.

Therefore, to beat the competitors in this world of cut-throat competition, companies must take the QA program improvement process as seriously as the customer handling itself.

We have compiled some important tips that must be followed to improve the QA program of your call center.

Call Center Quality Assurance
1. Prepare a QA Form and Match with Business Goals

After preparing a QA form with all the relevant questions make sure to match it with business goals of your firm. This helps in making the QA forms more specific and to the point. Basic goals of a business are:

Customer Retention
Customer Satisfaction
Cost Management
Revenue Generation

Keep on modifying the forms to make them more relevant as per the objectives.

2. Evaluation Forms Should be Properly Optimized

While preparing the evaluation forms, make sure to include questions that can help in preparing coaching plans for further improvement. Also, the questions must be able to find out the root cause of the issues which results in average productivity of the agents.

3. Implement Immediate Feedback System

The executives should be given feedback after every interaction with the customer. This will give them scope to improve on immediate basis. The feedback may include a tip from the seniors on how to enhance the quality of communication and purge off the weak points.

4. Apply QA Checks on Weekly Basis

Conducting QA checks on bi-monthly or monthly basis doesn’t make a very big difference to the overall quality of the process. Therefore, you must make sure to evaluate the process through QA analysis every week. This will ensure that errors committed by the agents are minimized.

5. Give Emphasis on Training

Streamlined training and development sessions are an integral part of QA but are often neglected by several Call Centers. Make sure to involve QA specialists in training sessions as they can give vital inputs on how to meet the desired standards.

6. Calibrate to Improve QA Program

You can begin the calibration process by involving the management executives, agents and team leaders. Their involvement will make sure that they understand the seriousness of this process and efforts made by the company to improve them. Using sample calls and analyzing them can help in calibration as per the business objectives.

7. Make the Highest Performers Part of QA Team

Choose the highest performer from every team and give him a responsibility to keep a check on overall quality of the other agents. You can even offer him additional rewards that motivate him/her to take this reasonability seriously.

8. Incorporate Customer Feedback in the Quality Checks

Inclusion of customer feedback in the monitoring of agents can play a major role in quality assurance process. This is essential as the response of customer is more valuable than senior officials in the call center.

9. Instruct Employees to Train Their Colleagues

High scoring employees can be asked to train other agents. This will not only result in better quality but will also become an important team building exercise.

10. Hire an External Agency

Several times, the call centers fail to perform a quality check effectively on their own as the methods of evaluation are more subjective. Firms can choose external agencies for having quality analysis as there approach will be totally objective.

11. Use Desktop Data Analytics

Also referred as desktop analytics, this process uses data from computer applications like CRM software, emails and order processing system etc. to monitor the performance. Integrating it with call recording data can deliver valuable insights have ability to transform the overall quality.

Therefore, make sure to use a strategic blend of these tips in your QA program. Implementing of the above discussed points will definitely help you to reach a step closer to excellence which is the main ingredient of professional success.

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