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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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How to Convert Your Agents into Marketing Superheroes?

Superhero movies are doing great business in the Hollywood. These men with extreme powers can win against any odds. As the manager of an outsourced call center, these movies often make you wonder – why my agents cannot be superheroes. It would be such a pleasure to manage agents that can do it all. They can solve complex problems in an instant and turn disgruntled callers into happy brand advocates. In short they can save the day and customer for your organization. But this is a dream that every manager of outsourced call centers likes to see. However, the reality is far distant from this dream. Every agent is a unique individual having a set of strengths and some weaknesses. Their weaknesses need to be worked upon to convert them into perfect marketing ammunition. To convert an average agent into a marketing superhero you have to follow a two-step process. Firstly, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the agents. Secondly, plan a way to turn these weaknesses into strengths. This calls for a planned transformational approach as mentioned below:

Framework for Agent Skills Development: There should be a framework in place that tells you as a manager what the agents need to know (where their dearth of knowledge lies) and how to measure their exact performances. Such framework can help you identify the specific weaknesses of any agent on the floor.

Knowledge Assessments: Knowledge assessments tell you as a manager what exactly the agent knows and what are the shortcomings. Recording calls and analyzing them would tell you where the agent is failing in terms of communication with the customers. Both these assessments help in understanding the present need for improvement of an agent.

Key Performance Indicators: Measuring an agent’s performance based on averages is not a good decision. An efficient agent (who is failing due to some problems) and an under-performing agent (failing due to laziness) might end up in the same level when their performances are measured in terms of the average. You need to look deeper into the performance indicators to get the right results.

Customized Training Plans: Every agent has a different personality and skill level. This is why the one-size-fits-all training programs do not impact much on the trailing agents. The knowledge assessments, insights from the key performance indicators and other performance statistics would bring forward the areas that an agent needs to work on. The training program should address these needs.

Updated Skills Database: Analyzing the skills of an agent is only half the work done. There should be an updated database that tells about the strengths of an agent. If the agent has undergone a specific training recently, that should be mentioned in the database too. These help in workforce management of outsourced call centers.

Not everyone is gifted with a superhero like power, but the skills have to be acquired all the same. In the intensely competitive call center outsourcing to India business arena, even small things count. With a planned approach to agent skills enhancement even an average agent can be turned into a revenue earning powerhouse. And some months of practice can turn the same agent into a marketing superhero. It is quintessential that managers do not leave the hands of underperforming agents, rather show them ways for improvement. At Call Centers India we have a proven agent performance screening process. We offer customized training programs for agent skills improvement.

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