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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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3 mantras to become the best customer service center

One must remember that Customer Service is not a dole by the business enterprises. They are not obliged to help their customers after the purchase is already made, still they do it. Why? Because customer Service is fundamentally a marketing strategy to enhance profits by ensuring repeat customers!


Every dissatisfied customer is a loss to the business of at least 5 other potential customers. As the one who is dissatisfied is bound to share the experience with his/her family and friends! On the other hand every customer who is happy with the business’ product/service will recommend it to their family friends, thus accruing more profit. So Customer Service better be as good as the actual product/service which the business sells. There is no point if the businesses follow six sigma principles for product manufacturing and deliver the highest quality, but the Customer Service center is defunct. Having a superior call center to serve as Customer Service Center is then a top priority for any business enterprises. Whether an offshore call center or a nearshore call center, how can one ensure that they always deliver best customer care services? Here are 3 best tips for the Call Center Agents to deliver immaculate services to the customer:

1.Have thorough training of Call Center Agents As a Customer Service Call Center Agents, you are expected to be the Mr. /Ms. Know-it-all. You just cannot say ‘Sorry, I don’t know about it’ when a customer asks you a question. It is your job to know and impart your knowledge to the customer in simple language. So there should be a rigorous training, and you better grasp every bit of the training and get a clear understanding about everything pertaining to the product/service before you take the first customer call. Because there is no excuse if you don’t know!

2. Call Center Agents must learn to put themselves in Customers’ shoes There are times when the customer is howling at the Agent, who get tempted to shout back. Obviously as a Call Center Agent can’t react to customers like this, so you suppress your urge. And this suppression will make you cold towards the customers in the long run. However if you give a patient hearing to the irate customer, you will realise that he/she is not aggressive but actually an aggrieved person. All that the customer seeks is a solution to his/her problem. An outburst by customers on the Agent is actually an impassioned plea for fixing their problem. And if you, as the Agent, understand the cause of customer’s anger by stepping in their shoes, then then you don’t feel the urge to shout back. Once an Agent understands the customers’ problem, then empathy comes effortlessly.

3.Supervisors must allow flexibility to their Call Center Agents Call Center Agents work in a highly disciplined environment. They are given scripts which they have to stick to, and a time limit for every call which they have to adhere. While this disciplinarian environment ensures productivity, but sometimes it can be stifling too. There will be situations when a Call Center Agent will take a little longer to satisfy a customer. Many times the Agent will have to go beyond the script to pacify the customer. In such cases, the Supervisor must not come down on the Agents for violating the discipline. This demotivates the Agents who were indeed trying to go out of their way to pacify customers. Supervisors should encourage flexibility in the workplace as long as the standards of quality are met. With these 3 mantras, you can metamorphose any ordinary Call Center services into the Best Customer Service Center!
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