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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Control over the Attrition in Call Center Outsourcing Industry- A Short Overview

The economy of the IT sector can be easily hit by the recession phase and successively can bring downfall of some of the industries that is related to the BPO accomplishments. The call center industry experiences a major loss every year because of the growing attrition rates which have turned out to the nightmare in the call center outsourcing industry.

Here are some of the few tips that can help to reduce attrition in contact centers:

Accurate Recruiting: This is one of the most important aspects of the hiring process. The HR managers need to find out the best resource that can actually tend to last longer in this profession and foresee a great career in the specialized fields. Once the impending capabilities of the applicants are examined properly, it can be ensured that the process of recruiting would be rewarding for the industry.

Friend Reference: This may not seem to be accepted by most of the call center services firm but it is a working fact. The selection of the apposite applicants becomes reliable if they are referred by a candidate that is well acquainted with the other person for long time. The refer-a-friend schemes in the contact centers have helped the recruiting team to find some better options than the direct approach.

Welcome Brochure: The recruiting process is a very complex and undertakes a lot of telephonic conversations, introduction of business operations, speaking to the present employers and many other departments. Therefore, it is always recommended to offer a company‘s welcome brochure that would comprise of all the information. This will help the applicants to get a short overview of the organization for which they would be dedicating.

Renewal of Company Policies: An employer engaged in call center services finds it very complicated to stick to a company that hardly thanks for their welfare. To erase this dirt, the HR department should amend the old policies with better alternatives that purely signify the employee’s welfare. Include better holiday schemes, incentive programs and other measures that offer good financial growth as per the performance level. This will surely motivate the staffs to continue their profiles with better performance results.

Appreciation with Financial Rewards: If the employees of contact centers are always appreciated and hence rewarded with some special remuneration, that employer would always like to dedicate the efforts in the favor of the company. Money is one of the elements that always keep an employer attached to their job.
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