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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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way to increase efficiency of telemarketing

Telemarketing is very important element in the marketing of any business, product and services. However, it needs to be combined with certain strategies in order to get good output. Below are some points which play a vital role for inbound or outbound telemarketing

1. Creativity – Creativeness gives an extra edge to any thing, if you will use telemarketing campaign creatively then it is pretty much sure that you can see good output. Telemarketing can be used actually for market research, sales prospecting, test new offers, motivate resellers, lead generation, appointment setting, customer service surveys, sales promotions, and for other purposes where outgoing phone calls are necessary.

2. Agents Knowledge – In telemarketing, your calling agents must know about your business and should be very well aware of your business objects. The person making the call is properly briefed & trained. This is equally important whether your telemarketing is being handled by a professional call center, telemarketing agency or your receptionist.

3. Way of Talking – Try and match your telemarketing staff to the people they will be calling. If necessary, train your telemarketing staff to identify the type of person they are speaking to and adjust their tone and manner accordingly.

4. Technology – Need to have right kind of technology in order to achieve desired results. And all users must required proper guidance and training for the technology system which are being used for campaign and backup plan is always required if technology fails in mid of sales call.

5. Motivation – Motivation is always required in any kind of work, it really speed up the process of work for good results. If you staff is highly motivated then definitely It will help to achieve good & quality results. At some points the motivated staff can make the most of every opportunity, such as turning complaints into happy customers

6. Obtain Potential Customer Contacts – In telemarketing, if you have potential customers contacts list then your lead generation probability will always remain at high. Because calling those persons who are not likely to buy your products and services, will only waste your time and resources and moreover it will also decrease the enthusiasm of your agents. So, try to call those people more who may already aware about your products and brand. And also putting some interest in your product and services.

7. Need Good Training – Well trained staff will always give you hectic free output, means if your customer service representatives(CSRs) are trained properly about the products and services and your technology systems then easily they can convinced customer about your products or services.

8. Need to have Good Script – After all telemarketing is a direct marketing activity with all the benefits that brings for testing, adapting and measuring results. If a script or approach is not working, don't be afraid to change the approach and try again.   Truly, telemarketing services are the perfect solution for every business if you are running these services with proper strategy and for right reasons. Telemarketing services can drive sales, increase customer interaction, and boost overall marketing efforts.

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Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
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