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How to Stop Destructive Call Center Gossip and Increase Productivity

Gossips on the floor and outside the floor are unavoidable aspects of a call centre outsourcing company. It is a necessary evil that can have both constructive and destructive effects on the overall productivity and performance of the call center. It is very important to remove destructive gossips in order to achieve enhanced productivity from the employees. Offshore call center service providerscannot afford destructive gossips on floor as it will reduce their overall performance and make their position weaker in the industry. In this cut-throat competition, call center service providers cannot afford to provide low quality services to their clients.

Mentioned below are some of the most effective techniques to stop the undesired gossips.

Analyze The Gossips: Analyze the gossip that happens on and off the floor as nothing is better than having well analyzed information regarding the true nature of the things being talked around. You need to understand that these chit-chats are not always bad for the organization as it can prove to be a completely true, honest and free market research for you. Try to get maximum information out of them and you would automatically increase your productivity. Further, once you know who is making the nuisance you can take proper action.

Hold An Informal Meeting: If you feel that the gossips have become unmanageable, schedule separate meetings with each team and try to reassure them of their work, position and rewards. Tell them that the management would be more than happy to listen and act on any considerations or criticisms that its employees might have. Explain them how their behavior and gossips effect the overall performance of the team.

Take Strict Actions Against Any Form Of Harassment: Whether, it is based on an employee’s race, color, gender, religion or anything else, harassment should never be tolerated at any cost. Apart from spoiling the work culture at your place, it also effects your reputation in the industry. The productivity automatically gets negatively affected in such an environment.

Remove Boredom: Boredom is one of the biggest reasons why even some of your most experienced employees get into gossiping. Implement strategies to reduce the level of boredom of your senior and experienced employees. You can increase the range of their duties or offer them some new and challenging tasks that can keep them occupied and satisfied with their job. Further, this will also increase the productivity of such employees.

Search And Pick Out The Troublemakers: There are some employees who can never be satisfied with their organization. These are the ones who are most actively involved in destructive gossips and could easily affect others. Search and find out such employees before they cause too much harm to the working environment of your call center. Have one-on-one talk with them and explain your expectations clearly. If they still continue to do the same then you don’t have any other choice than discharging them from their services. Clients who outsource call center based requirements to an offshore call center expect highest level of services delivered to them. If they feel that your productivity is decreasing or is not comparable with other service providers then you can lose them. Make sure that any unwanted gossips are not occurring on your floor and your call center services will automatically become more productive.
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