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In terms of technology used call centers india is second to none and has successfully launched India's one and only end to end CISCO based IP network call center by the name Vcare Care Call Centers India (P) Ltd, based out of a small suburb in the national capital territory region, This center has all the modern facilities a center must have and is situated in a huge campus spanning more than 11000 sq. ft, employing over 400

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Call Center - The Best Platform for Woman to Develop Professional Skills. Let's Discuss.

The growth of a nation entirely depends upon its population. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an call centreindividual to contribute their skills in self-development that will lead to a nation's growth. Today, a large section of woman is seen working in call centers and IT Sectors. It is said that the professional environment and the growth aspect are the two vital factors that attract a great percentage of women employees towards it.


In the developed nations, it is evident that there is no job discrimination for any age groups. But in the developing and under-developing nations, the involvement of women community is slowly rising and projected to reach an excellent level in the coming years. At present, most of the business giants are outsourcing the customer support services from the Asian countries. It is so because, the people over these countries are excellent speakers who can easily adapt to any international accent in no time. Especially, the women have a better understanding of this skill and therefore the BPOs of these regions are seen to source a great number of women employees. If you make a thorough research upon BPO industry, you will find that the highest positions of the board are being occupied by women and really helping the organizations to make a rapport, exceptionally well. Women find this professional environment with a freedom to express their skills efficiently. It is because, the workforce are well-trained from an intermediate level, till she reaches a level to teach the same to the sub-ordinates. This factor inspires them to work better and enhance their skills in a global aspect. The enhancement of performance level is rewarded with good financial growth. The call center industry engages a wide section of women from age level of 18 years to any age limit as per the company policy. With this option a student can easily be a part of an income source for a middle class family. Moreover, the unemployment ration in the developing countries has experienced a great hike with the services offered by BPO industry to the women community. It is a major platform to earn reputation and therefore your skills need to be exhibited through a professional environment that is easily possible through call centers.

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Call Centers Provider

Vcare Call Center

One and Only End to End
CISCO Based IP Network
Call Center with Blended
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